Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Q & A Session 5

Q & A Session 5

Q & A Session 4

Q & A Session 4

Session 7: The Reverberation of the Word

Session 7: The Reverberation of the Word

Session 6: The Power and Preaching of the Word

Session 6: The Power and Preaching of the Word

Q & A Session 3

Q & A Session 3

Session 5: The Discipline of Membership

Session 5: The Discipline of Membership

Session 4: The Submission of Membership

Session 4: The Submission of Membership

Q & A Session 2

Q & A Session 2

Session 3: A Vision of Membership

Session 3: A Vision of Membership

Q & A Session 1

Q & A Session 1

Session 2: The Display of Love

Session 2: The Display of Love

Session 1: The Idolatry of Love

Session 1: The Idolatry of Love

Timeline: God’s Unfolding Plan

Timeline: God’s Unfolding Plan

Christ Our Sacrifice

Christ Our Sacrifice